Smithfield 2020 Business Resource Center
The Isle of Wight / Smithfield / Windsor Chamber of Commerce has stepped forward and delivered a content-rich Business Resources page. Review their guidelines on getting started in your own business and take advantage of the Chamber of Commerce resources as well as the resources of Isle of Wight County's Economic Development team.
When you're ready to "set up shop", scan the roadmap below to navigate the regulatory steps.
The Isle of Wight / Smithfield / Windsor Chamber of Commerce has stepped forward and delivered a content-rich Business Resources page. Review their guidelines on getting started in your own business and take advantage of the Chamber of Commerce resources as well as the resources of Isle of Wight County's Economic Development team.
When you're ready to "set up shop", scan the roadmap below to navigate the regulatory steps.
"Setting up shop" in Smithfield
Smithfield is an incorporated town in Isle of Wight County and prospective business owners should be aware of local requirements.
Smithfield is an incorporated town in Isle of Wight County and prospective business owners should be aware of local requirements.
- You can apply online for a Town business license; the details are found here. (If you don't have a Federal Employer Identification Number yet, procure one by filing IRS Form SS-4. If you haven't done so, review Virginia Department of Taxation information for businesses, including the need to apply for sales and use tax permits; it's all located here.)
- A zoning permit must be submitted; the zoning permit form and process instructions are located here.
- You'll need to visit the Treasurer's Office to submit and sign applications. The office is located at 310 Institute Street.
- Specific rules govern residences and business in the Historic District. You'll find here a discussion of the Board of Historic and Architectural Review and processes, including a link to the BHAR application form. Comprehensive guidelines, and in particular, signage regulations, are located here.
- Water service can be ordered by contacting the Water Department at 757-365-4200.
- The Smithfield Police Department offers a free business security assessment. Contact them at 757-357-3247.